How to be Creative?

Published On: August 15, 2014By


Now-a-days creativeness is one of the most prerequisite qualities expected from every individual, group or an organisation. Creativity for many is not an inherent or inborn trait. However there are many ways and means by which creativity can be realized, improved and practiced.

Creativity is intuitive in many respects coupled with a programme of exercise and techniques. As a matter of fact bondage is of mind and freedom is also of mind. A bonded and a bounded mind within a narrow boundary can never be creative.

In all walks of life the unavoidables like competition, cost, quicker service demands, more in less time for any thing and for every things are the orders of the day, In this situations creativity isn’t a “nice-to-have”, it is a survival factor.

The prime fact is that every one has a lot more creativity in them than they use. It has been bottled up by habit, lack of training and energy. Therefore every one has to seek the effective tools to realize his/her pent-up creativity.

Creativities are broadly categorized as artistic creativity, creativity of discovery and creativity of humor. Though creativity is categorized, all types of creativities have many common elements in them.

Creativity is always associated with risk and challenges. Creativity is restrained in many times and many situations because of the risk involved in it, fear and fear of failure. Social and educational conditionings are also the other, sources of restraints. Contemplating many theories and realities, the main paths to creativity are culture, techniques, personal development, mental energy and fun. In practice the mechanisms of creativity are more complex. There is strong linkage between creativity and failure. In order to be innovative we have to be prepared to fail.

Creativity techniques are not creative actually, but you are. The main enemies of creativity are tunnel vision and lack of inspiration. The idea of the creativity technique is to push you away from the well-trodden path-to obtain a different view point by forcing you to do something you wouldn’t normally do. This can be uncomfortable, but it is the only way to make something happen. We require making association with something and then relate this association back to the problem or requirement. Creativity techniques are not creative actually but you are.

The brain has vast area of functions and capabilities, but for the purpose of creativity there are three-principle area knowledge, memory, making new connections. Each represents particular aspects of what would generally be regarded as brainpower. How effective we are at building our store of knowledge and making use of it, how good our memory and how easily we can generate ideas all contribute to the overall capabilities of our brain.

Creativity is an activity of the brain and seems particularly dependent on the mental energy. Too much the brain is relaxed can result in daydreaming. Too much pressure forces the brain to use quick routes, which could have a negative effect on creativity. Creativity like any other mental activity benefits from chunking out, breaking the activity down to an hour. Any thing more and the concentration drop off, as do the effectiveness and creativity.

Fun works to support creativity for a number of reasons. If we are having fun we are less likely to be stressed because stress is a major creativity killer. It is also true that humor and fun are all about seeing things differently and this is essential for becoming more creative.

Other important aspects, which led to creativity, are practice and dispassion. Practice and dispassion are no doubt the entire secrete of controlling the mind and conceiving the creativity. To walk in the garden of creativity.

  • We shall have to develop a strong will to control the mind.
  • We shall have to understand the nature of mind.
  • We shall have to learn certain techniques and practice them earnestly and intelligently.

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